Re: doom

Subject: Re: doom
From: Mattis Fishman (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 16:10:49 EDT

    Scottie sagely suggested:

> '... but let's not get carried away, buddies ...'
> Too much joy, Mattis. Nothing good can come of it.
> 'Now Nemesis - she of the limping foot - draws ever
> nearer,
> As we flee before her
> Up into the high land....'
> Scottie B.

   I am sorry I do not recognize the quote, but I believe there is
   a warning there, and very likely a very valid one.

   As for your first assertion, I can only say that I am just
   beginning to see that banana fever is a truly and insidious
   disease. One that you think you have, mocking Seymour as a
   hypochondriac in reverse, until you truly have it, and then,
   children, beware of the baobobs! [obligatory Little Prince reference].

   all the best,
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