wind in your face

Subject: wind in your face
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 15:34:08 EDT

    Following the example of my compatriots (Sir Ed
    was a SORT of Brit, after all, & his doughty little coloured
    friend an unquestioned, if honorary, English gentleman)
    I'd decided to maintain an uncharacteristic radio silence
    until I'd planted the first flag - the Union flag, remember,
    not Old Glory - on the summit; before sauntering back
    to tell you sad wimps all about it.

    However. Since you ask.

    Yes, the going is steady & grows more exhilarating
    with every passing thousand feet. What also becomes
    clearer to me is how it's done. There's really no mystery.
    It only takes a certain genius, self-confidence & time.
    Given a reasonable allotment of the last, I should have
    no great difficulty.

    I'd never heard the story of Count Leo's Greek studies.
    But by an intriguing coincidence the last book I bought
    in our local Waterstone's - about ten days ago - was
    Peter Jones's jolly, jape-filled primer: 'Learn Ancient Greek.'

    Great minds ....

    Scottie B.

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