Re: Sorry Asshole Flamo

Tim O'Connor (
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 01:24:02 -0500

>   I'm sorry, but I think there is little harm done in someone having a
> little fun and lightening up a bunch of blow hards who actually get pissed
> at jokes, lest someone may disgrace the name of the all-powerful Salinger.

This is very funny.  Much funnier than the stuff that pissed everyone off.
There was little fun or funny there, and I'm really startled to imagine
"blow hards" here -- some people are more analytical than others, but is it
really fair to say this?

Pissed at jokes?  Like many of us, I try to toss in jokes and to be
light-hearted, but I don't think that's how it was, in this context we're
discussing and the childish messages.

And very few people here are simplistic enough to speak in terms of "the
all-powerful Salinger"; perhaps you missed a few posts and misunderstood a

> I love Salinger as much as the rest of you, but lets not take it too
> serious and get all in a huff here. Jonathan Taylor Thomas? I, for one,
> laughed...

There are a lot of things not to take seriously.  But at the same time the
world has a lot of sandboxes to play in, and this isn't really one of them.
Sand and computers ... I have to get out the dust mop all the time when
that happens around here....
