Re: Where art thou Emily?!

Thu, 02 Apr 1998 09:30:35 -0700 (MST)

Yes, I think mr. salinger was invited to Sarah Lawrence and aferwards
decided he would never want to do that again. I'm paraphrasing from one of
his letters about the incident.  He mentions listing the dead writers he
respects--Kafka, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoyevsky, Proust, OCasey,
Rilke, Lorca, Keats, Rimbaud, Burns, E. Bronte, Jane Austen, Henry James,
Blake, and Coleridge but also admits he got very "oracular and literary."

Mr. Salinger refrained from talking about living writers during that Sarah
Lawrence visit, but he did embrace his own  writing life by saying
admitting the compensations are sparse, but when and if they come, are 

Good luck with your college applications,


 On Thu, 2 Apr 1998, Andrew Charles Kennis
wrote:0s he loves. 

> 	Emily, you were supposed to call me and you never did. You suck. 
> Just kidding, you r0q and you know it. Didja do the Holden sleep on a NYC 
> bench thang or something? We did that at the mall in D.C., except I 
> suppose it was on the grass or whatever. 
> 	I applied to Vassar and am about to do as much for Sarah Lawerence. 
> Anybody know any Salinger references to either of these schools? I think 
> if there was one, I remember it being negative, something about the 
> former pretentious leanings of the two schools. They're less so now, but 
> still not lovely or anything. 
> 	l8es all.....
> 	--AK 