Re: an Easter egg

Steve Gallagher (
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 11:14:16 -0700


Is there not a time to write and a time to rewrite? At least in my experience,
if the critical eye is not put to bed and the creative flow let loose, I get
nowhere. Of course, I must  return to cut and shape and insert and cut again
but, initially, it must find its way to page.

Take of your critical hat once and a while. You may enjoy the show.

Steven Gallagher

Scottie Bowman wrote:

>         When a writer has
>         a technique that I wish to emulate or steal from - like old man Hem,
>         or Graham Greene, for example - I can't stop myself getting out
>         the microscope.  But immediately, something is lost forever.
>         The willing suspension of disbelief is no longer possible.  Just as
>         too many films about the life & machinery backstage have destroyed
>         any enjoyment I might have had in the `living theatre', so I can't
>         really ever again get that tingle up my spine when I read about
>         Pilar's young days in Valencia, or Jake Barnes walk down a street
>         in Paris on a spring morning - because I now understand rather
>         too well how it's done.
>         Scottie B.