Re: cheating heart

Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:00:05 -0600 (MDT)

Tim, this should probably be part of every email I send--perfect!

I've ordered the book through interlibrary loan that you so generously

much of booth is based on Aristotle and so I wouldn't say the notion of
narrative unreliablility is booth's so much as value his l961 book and
second edition update for helping me understand the rhetoric of

thanks again(*;)will

> 	(*) NOTE: it is interesting to come up with ways
> 	of using Will's name in sentences that have
> 	verbs of the future tense (e.g., "Will will"), and
> 	I suspect I note that only because it's in
> 	some way amusing, at least to me in my
> 	virtual padded cell.