Re: autograph

Sundeep Dougal (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 05:31:43 +0500

>Topic 1 - maybe it's time this list was moderated
>Topic 2 - Maybe It's Time This List Was Moderated

Okay, for the purposes of discussions, and for those purposes only, let's
assume that this list does become moderated. Now, what kind of moderation
do you propose? That all messages be first read by a Big Brother
equivalent? Or that we screen subscribers? I think our Big Brother, Tim, is
happy to let the Fat Lady decide for us all. Which is the way it should be,
in my view. Delete key works well on most keyboards, else one could use the
other keys for a more discussion-oriented post, I guess. Admittedly, there
is not much on-topic discussion going on at the moment, but I don't think
the reason is as simplistic as the list not being moderated.    

obBananafish: If the list _were_ moderated, perhaps we might all know what
the sound of one hand clapping is?

Sonny, who wonders why he's feeling deep, profound and frivolous at the
same time.