Bananafish Archives, April, 1999 by thread
Starting: Thu 01 Apr 1999 - 10:54:47 EDT
Ending: Fri 30 Apr 1999 - 22:24:58 EDT
Messages: 383
- RE: Me, myself, and Salinger John Touzios
- RE: Me, myself, and Salinger Sean Draine
- DSM-IV Scottie Bowman
- RE: DSM-IV John Touzios
- Re: america blah b b blah
- Re: war blah b b blah
- At least you can say you've seen it ... Camille Scaysbrook
- The End John Touzios
- narcissisms denis jonnes
- War John Touzios
- War, Lolita, and Narcissism blah b b blah
- narcissmus Scottie Bowman
- DSM-IV and a whole lot more John Touzios
- borderline personality disorder denis jonnes
- RE: borderline personality disorder Sean Draine
- Genealogy Camille Scaysbrook
- Holden Caulfield/Kurt Cobain
- RE: Holden Caulfield/Kurt Cobain Sean Draine
- Collecting Salinger Jake McHenry
- RE: Collecting Salinger Sean Draine
- RE: borderline personality disorder John Touzios
- mad Scottie Bowman
- music theory and difficult transitions.
- RE: mad John Touzios
- madness and tao denis jonnes
- holden and kurt denis jonnes
- why i wrote about cobain
- RE: music theory and difficult transitions. John Touzios
- tao and madness John Touzios
- madness and tao John Touzios
- RE: music theory and difficult transitions. John Touzios
- new fish Rollo Rumford
- Re: nabokov, america, salinger Camille Scaysbrook
- nirvana, salinger, and all that jazz
- Camille: Heroin
- II BS russell dame
- nothing whatsoever to do with nirvana :)
- Heroin, the movie Sean Draine
- today's suck
- Copyright on the net?
- Malcs blah b b blah
- Colbourne
- Giles Weaver
- David Lynch russell dame
- where the bee sucks Scottie Bowman
- Collecting. Jake McHenry
- while i can get to the bookstore.... Rollo Rumford
- Salinger's writing style Diana Biggs
- RE: today's suck Sean Draine
- Collecting Salinger - Princeton
- collecting salinger- princeton Rollo Rumford
- Re: where the bee sucks (long reply) WILL HOCHMAN
- seymour first person
- short films
- Re:Re: short films
- I found another salinger film!! Franny & Zooey, I'm not joking
- Short films Rollo Rumford
- Trading collected Salinger's Jake McHenry
- suicide....? Rollo Rumford
- Re: A Hemingway connection? Tim O'Connor
- Re: A Hemingway connection? Mattis Fishman
- More Hemmingway
- Vonnegut and Salinger Friedman
- If anyone is bored on this lonely night...
- cigarettes and pants Rollo Rumford
- RE: Suicide? Baader, Cecilia
- RE: Suicide? Paul Kennedy
- God is a Red Sox Fan Robert Morris
- world series Rollo Rumford
- collecting salinger Rollo Rumford
- Re: Suicide? Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: suicide? Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: suicide? Colbourne
- invisible ink Rollo Rumford
- Budding writer Rollo Rumford
- Unsubscribing Josh Feldmeth
- Re: Help!!! Tim O'Connor
- Re: Help!!! WILL HOCHMAN
- Re: Help!!! Tim O'Connor
- Re: suicide? Baader, Cecilia
- Re: suicide? Jake McHenry
- Re: collecting Diego M. Dell'Era
- Re: suicide? Camille Scaysbrook
- David Lynch russell dame
- an another newone Julia Haldemann
- Re: Help!!! Tim O'Connor
- Odd Salinger reference Craig Bergeron
- J.D's handy work John Page
- trading salinger Jente Algoed
- Re: Help!!! Tim O'Connor
- New website [attempt] Colbourne
- Call for Submissions (fwd) WILL HOCHMAN
- 21+1
- Ode to an U-n-s-u-b-s-c-r-i-b-e-r Mattis Fishman
- disapointed
- RE: New website [attempt] Colbourne
- Re: Suicide? Tim O'Connor
- Re: Suicide? Robert Morris
- Re: Suicide? Julia Haldemann
- Re: Suicide? Robert Morris
- Re: Suicide? Friedman
- scottie WILL HOCHMAN
- Re: Suicide? Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Suicide? Camille Scaysbrook
- David Lynch russell dame
- columbine WILL HOCHMAN
- Re: Suicide? m.e. pierce
- RE: disappointed Baader, Cecilia
- Re: Suicide? Tim O'Connor
- Re:subscribing Matt Kozusko
- Re: Suicide? Paul Kennedy
- RE: columbine Sean Draine
- Re: Suicide? Paul Kennedy
- RE: columbine Sean Draine
- Re: Suicide? bob pigeon
- Banafish Baseball League (was Suicide) Robert Morris
- Re: Suicide? Tim O'Connor
- Whirlwind Goodbye/Leaving 4/28 WILL HOCHMAN
- Last word on Columbine Camille Scaysbrook
- INTRO by Jordie Chambers and a hypothetical question for anyone... jordie chambers
- an author guide to Salinger Tim O'Connor
- The Search for Scottie... James J Rovira
- Re: subscribing James J Rovira
- Re: BANANAFISH digest 666
- nonne Thor Cameron
- Re: Suicide? Friedman
- The Seach for Sonny Paul Kennedy
- Webpage Camille Scaysbrook
- RE: columbine Sean Draine
- Re: Please read! Re: columbine Thor Cameron
- Matrix James J Rovira
- J. D. Salinger interviews
- Re: Please read! Re: columbine Camille Scaysbrook
- Re: Please read! Re: columbine bob pigeon
- Re: Please read! Re: columbine
- Re: Please read! Re: columbine Thor Cameron
- The single italicised 'o' in 'negotiable'. Colbourne
- Re:columbine (my last word on subject) Thor Cameron
Last message date: Fri 30 Apr 1999 - 22:24:58 EDT
Archived on: Thu May 06 1999 - 09:50:18 EDT
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