Re: More Hemmingway
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 21:45:03 +0000

I just read "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" last night.  I did like it; however, I feel
that I could have further enjoyed it had I not been so tired.  I don't quite agree
with your feeling of Catherine being a weak character, but I see how you could feel
that way.  At the end of the story, Fredrick refers to her/her corpse as a "statue" (a
strong, immortalized figure) which makes me wonder what kind of information about
Catherine, Hemmingway left out of the story...especially since he is said to have
written almost everything directly from personal experience and it is a fact that he
did have a "love" during the war while serving in the Italian Army.
| Hemmingway is always enjoyable to study. My favorite
| Hemingway story is "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and I
| also like the Nick Adams stories. I also find
| similarities between Salinger and Hemingway. I read A
| Farewell To Arms last year and I liked it, but I
| thought that Catherine(I think that's her name) was
| some what a weak character although I felt that her
| death scene did give justice to her character. It's
| sounds like you have a great English class.
| -Liz Friedman