Ode to an U-n-s-u-b-s-c-r-i-b-e-r

Mattis Fishman (mattis@argos.argoscomp.com)
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:24:18 -0400 (EDT)

[The recent rash of departures tickled my muse into coughing this up.
 I tried to send it yesterday morning, but it took all day to learn that
 the listproc software filtered out the word "Unsubscriber" in the Subject,
 thus the tacky hyphens in this Subject]

Ode to an Unsubscriber

"This is too much, I can't take it"
first you muttered, screamed, then cried,
are you all but inundated
with these posts on suicide?

All the deconstructive language
and the zen of hunting caps,
the divinity of Seymour,
Seargent X's need for naps.

Whether Salinger or Buddy
is the author of these tomes
narcissists and pedophilia
not to mention vanished poems

Does this Salingeriana
dull your brain and blur your eyes?
Then again perhaps it's other
kinds of postings you despise?

Name your favorite three movies,
Which director do you hate?
Who'd be best at playing Holden?
I think so and so is great!

In my novels... in my practice,
in my plays... and in my poem...
in my uni... in my high school...
in my job... and in my home...

What's the best way up to Cornish?
High school sux, Kurt Cobain rocks,
Could you help me with my homework?
You-know-who loves the Red Sox!

Do you hate spelling and grammar
or can't stand a friendly jibe?
Well then make your contribution
let it read: please unsubscribe