Re: columbine

Julia Haldemann (
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:23:00 +0200

hi you all!
u know I live in this little save country whhich is famouse for it banks and
so...I still go to school...we use to go to school till 20 if we wanna go to
university. School, good schools, are all public and so we do not have to pay.
Well I cannot really imagine the situation in U.s. also i have been there a
couple of time. I mean we are all a little crAZY some more than  others. Since
we have a strong midleclass, that is wath makes switzerland rich, everybody
can aford drugs and so..and it's actually used a lot. And guns or so...every
swiss man  goes in the army and has so a gun at home...but I saw never
somebody walking around with a gun or so... I c that in U.s. u have problem I
cannot understand since poorty seems not an explainaition...It's strange how
we seem to l,live in differents world...I don't know maybe somebody feels like
expaining me...
have all a good day


> I live relatively close to this's devastating to think our
> schools are places where children get shot every week, where fear is felt
> more than curiousity...I'm sick of it and know that it's time to stop
> having guns in our lives...we don't need them and we humans are not able
> to use them wisely...if you are on this list and have a gun give it up for
> a more peaceful culture...we don't need guns in our lives when it means
> that children get killed...please, will