game, set & match

Subject: game, set & match
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 04:37:21 GMT

    Well now, Nanook.

    I suppose ‘Tweedy sherry sipper’ is a little advanced
    but ‘lorgnettes’ certainly conveys with great exactness
    the changing room’s idea of sophisticated mockery.
    The years roll away & we’re back there once again,
    smelling the sweat & the feet, watching the thoughts
    as they slowly gather behind the supraorbital ridges,
    noticing with never diminishing wonder the dexterity
    with which the paws can grasp sticks & bananas.

    You’re quite right. My contemptuous dismissal includes
    all sporting activities - except those involving the sea
    where, of course, we renew our spirits in that primal
    environment from which we all spring.

    Otherwise, I feel man’s competitive & combative instincts
    should not be dissipated in acceptably socialised sublimations
    but kept intact & armed for their true purpose: the subjugation
    of one’s rivals & the ravishing of one’s mates. The alternative
    is too awful to consider: becoming a REGULAR GUY.

    This hunger for regularity lies like an unsuspected worm
    at the heart of many an American literary rose: Hemingway
    & Mailer, of course, but Salinger too. Just think of that
    dreadful baseball mitt, not to mention the poor little
    buggers in The Laughing Man - as Paul has just reminded

    Could anything be more arch, more nauseating, more
    apple-pie-&-Mom than: ‘Mary Hudson, [who smoked
    cork-tipped Tareyton cigarettes, and] happened to be
    a girl who knew how to wave to somebody from third
    base ...’
    Oh my God. The Tragic Heroine as One of the Guys.

    We may enjoy some strange yogic thoughts or like going
    to bullfights but at heart, Mommie, you know we’ve never
    stopped being the wholesome Little Leaguers you've always

    Scottie B.

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