in the ghetto

From: Scottie Bowman <>
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 16:52:40 EDT

    I don't very often find myself in sympathy with strident
    black lady writers. But I did a couple of weeks ago,
    reading in The Guardian on the great anniversary, an article
    headed: 'He ain't MY King.'

    The woman in question, whose name I failed to register,
    was protesting violently at the theft of 'her own people's
    music' by this acneous greaser from the world's trailer park.

    Someone with a provenance such as his could hardly avoid
    being a humourless vulgarian subject to manipulation &
    exploitation by the equivalent of a pimp for prepubescent
    girls. But to see the con trick perpetrated on a bunch of
    elderly, white middle class jerks into the condescending delusion
    that they're communing in some kind of original, primitive
    experience - well, that's just sad, if it weren't so nauseating.
    PS - I suspect the film was 'The Committments' - though I
    wouldn't have been caught dead attending it either.

    Scottie B.

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