Re: The real problem...with texts or people?

From: <>
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 08:03:05 EDT

Hi all,

Sorry about the silent post (though I do love those). Hit the wrong button.


Daniel sends some nonsense about me having "no accurate position" for him "to
do anything with" and says a few stupid things to make it sound as if I don't
believe texts have authors.

But, since I don't believe any such thing, and since, as he has said, "this
discussion is no longer about what Derrida wrote or didn't write," I am no
longer interested.

Have a fine weekend everyone, and congratulations to those who have had their
power restored.

All the best,


Quote of the day:

"Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth, to see it like it is, to
find the truth, to speak the truth, and to live the truth. That is what we
will do."

--Richard M. Nixon

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