Re: Glass (and Me)

Michael Tharp (
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 14:12:28 -0700

On Aug 3, 22:54, Camille Scaysbrook wrote:
> Subject: Re: Glass (and Me)
> > Several times in this story, Buddy had to clarify whether he was
> > addressing me, the reader, or himself, the writer.  And at some
> > points, it seemed as if the writer was as baffled by what was written
> > as was the reader.
> Now *that* is an interesting point - some would say that that is what
> Salinger has been doing for the latter half (i.e. Post Hapworth) segment of
> his career - talking to himself ... It's very devious though somehow.
> Taking us on this incredibly personal (seeming) journey and then going
> `Well - bye!' (: ...
> > But it's the teasing (I'll call it Salinger's) that clues me in that
> > at least some of the interplay (with all its inconsistencies) is
> > intentional, and that, surely, the Seymore stories are a good mix of 
Omigod, I can't believe I made such a big deal about Seymour and didn't
even spell his name right!  (Looking back on the original message, at
least I was consistent.)  This group showed admirable restraint in not
flaming me.  (Of course that could be asking for it, like the bumper
sticker displayed by some brave drivers in LA: "Thank You for Not 
Shooting Me.")

JD Hadden, have you finished _Seymour: An Introduction_ yet?  I'm
curious what you thought about it.  Did it answer any of your questions?
Did it generate more?

(I think I'll read Franny and Zooey next.)

Michael Tharp            |     This                 _---_       __  
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