Welcome back Will!

Paul Kennedy (kennedyp@toronto.cbc.ca)
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:52:48 -0400 (EDT)

Hey Will!

You've been missed (by me, at least....)

I remember many heated arguments with some of the people who were apparently
paid good money to help my daughter through primary school--which milestone
(millstone around our collective neck?) she has recently passed.

The big buzz words were something really stupid called "Whole Language"....
According to this crock of shit, it was tantamount to abusive behaviour for
me to even suggest changes to her bad spelling or atrocious grammar.  The
first problem came when I asked my daughter to read me one of the wonderful
stories she had written.  She was unable to decipher the ill-ordered letters
and words that polluted the page.  I explained that if SHE couldn't read it,
who the hell could be expected to read it....

Problem # 2 began when I finally convinced one of those ill-educated oafs
who were claiming to be 'teachers' to correct both spelling and grammar on
the next such assignment....   You can imagine my delight when they took
words that my genius daughter had miraculously spelled corrected, and
"corrected" those words to make spelling mistakes....

Does anybody else think there's a problem here?



(And welcome back Will!)