Re: nothing rude, please, we're Americans
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 15:31:02 -0400 (EDT)

Ah, you'd be disappointed in a good gun fight here, Scottie, cause on one on the anti-gun side seems to know how to address their opponents' points.  Ah well...

Here's my last word:

1. The real trade off is between safety and freedom.  In my opinion it's wiser to choose freedom.

2. I don't own a gun.  Ever try to outlaw them, tho...


In a message dated Fri, 20 Aug 1999  2:52:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Scottie Bowman <> writes:

>     We can ramble on happily about the teaching of English, 
>     the comparative merits of 70s as opposed to 30s pop, 
>     the urban myths surrounding 4 wheel drives, the theory 
>     of group theatre, & so on & so on.  All good Salinger-related 
>     material.
>     But at the first whiff of cordite, Paul & Camille slink off 
>     into the scrub while Tim crosses himself & starts waving 
>     the old censer.
>     Back to the classroom.  Pity.  Just when I, at least, was 
>     starting to look forward to a really envigorating gut fight. 
>     Scottie B.