Re: 2nd Annual Bananafish Baseball NYC Colloquium & Convention

Subject: Re: 2nd Annual Bananafish Baseball NYC Colloquium & Convention
From: Cecilia Baader (
Date: Sun Dec 17 2000 - 23:30:16 GMT

Paul Kennedy wrote:

>Every baseball team EXCEPT the Toronto Blue Jays seems to think there's
>some ethically superior position occupied by sporting organizations that
>continue to post the 2000 team schedule many months after the completion of
>the 2000 season.

Au contraire, PK. The Chicago Cubs will be in New York on July 3rd, 4th,
and 5th. To play the team that (too bad, so sad) lost the World Series to
their crosstown rivals. (Sorry, Mattis.)

It's on their website, under Tickets. I know, I know, these things are a
little bit more difficult to navigate from the north side of the 49th.

I'll go if Scottie goes.


ObSal: One of the things that has always been a stumbling block for me in a
more complete understanding of Salinger's work has been the comparison of
people to popular figures of the time, figures that have not stayed part of
the lexicon/consciousness. An example from "The Laughing Man", since we are
talking baseball today: "At the time, however, it seemed to me that in the
Chief all the most photogenic features of Buck Jones, Ken Maynard, and Tom
Mix had been smoothly amalgamated" (58).

Buck Jones
Ken Maynard
Tom Mix

All cowboy film stars. (I sure do like that Buck Jones, too.) I suppose I
always *knew* that they were all film stars, but this is a different sort of
knowing. Like when I finally heard "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" for the first

It's good once you know, but when you don't, it's a little alienating.


Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.
-Mark Twain
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