J. D. Salinger Online Reference Help Needed

Subject: J. D. Salinger Online Reference Help Needed
From: Chris Kubica @Home (@Home)
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 19:21:21 GMT

Hello, fish,

I'm in the beginning stages of a J. D. Salinger Online Reference database that I'm going to hang off the jdsalinger.com Web site.

What will be in the database? Why, sources, of courses! Cites! Journal articles, newspaper articles, misc. texts, books, audio, video, Web sites and anything else one might site in a paper (or just want to read or experience!), including the cites for all of Salinger's works, uncollected and otherwise.

Hopefully, this will be an indispensible and very useful, interactive, user-built (Web surfers will be able to submit their own cites and comment on others) online resource for students and others with interest in reading about Salinger stuff. Who knows...if this works out, maybe we can branch into other authors as well.

However, I need your help.

1. Anyone interested in helping me populate the database? It'll be a big job. Lots of records to enter.

2. Anyone interested in helping me come up with the fields I need to track for each type of source? As you can see for the database I have so far (Go to, click on Articles.fp5 and enter the password of 'User' (No username required)), it is tailored for journal; articles only at this moment. It also has a bunch of silly data in it, just as an example.

3. What else might it be nice to hang off each cite? People's opinions/ratings of each cite, I think would be awesome and very helpful ("I loved this article and it was useful in my research on ____"). Also, I'd love to relate articles to one another if they are cross-referenced.

Anyone interested in helping with this, contact me off list.


Chris Kubica

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