Re: Pseud's corner

From: <>
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 11:35:55 EST


OK, let me try again. When you go to the page I recommended to Angus and look
down (before clicking on anything else), you'll see two search engines
offered. Also, along the top of the page, you'll see a number of headings
("Bibliography" "Excerpts" etc.). If you type your two chosen words into the
first engine offered (The FreeFind one), you will get lists for both of your
terms. These are all references to places linked to the site. What you were
trying to use, via the "Derrida" button, was the JavaScript keyword search
engine, which matches up names and titles to places on the site (if you type
in a name -- "Omlor" for instance -- it'll give you a matching response, if
there is one -- and there just might be).

When I recommended the page to Angus, I wrote:

"You might want to navigate around  It's a wonderful collection of
excerpts, thoughts, recent writings, film clips and a bunch of other stuff
related to Derrida's work. There's some excellent stuff at the *Glasweb*
there.  It's not exactly introductory, but it's entertaining and provocative."

Everything I said was true.

If you simply click on the "Excerpts" heading on the top of the first page,
you'll be forwarded to which
offers the readings and transcriptions I mentioned in my last post (including
a link to the Glasweb I mentioned to Angus).

If you take the time to browse the selections there at the "Excerpts" page
and read at random, you can find a number of texts dealing with both
"meaning" and "language."

I hope that is somewhat clearer.

Nowhere on the site is there anything which is telling you, in any way, that
you can't read. And I refuse to believe that you, you "poor old sod," get
discouraged quite that easily. But the posing is charming.

Again, if you choose not to make the effort to read, that's another matter.

All the best,



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