le style, c'est l'homme

From: Scottie Bowman <rbowman@indigo.ie>
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 04:05:29 EST

    '... are you simply dismissing an entire tradition within
    Western intellectual thought ...?'

    OOer, John. Trying to chill my blood? Calling in the Hun
    Heavies, are you, to give me a good biffing? Well, they don't
    impress me, buster: not Hegel, not Hitler, not Husserl, not Himmler,
    not Heydrich, not even Heidegger in his little leather pants &
    his little gold swastika.

    (There you go. Smear by nominal association.)
    I certainly couldn't improve on your quotation. It illustrates
    admirably that if a man comes from a family of obscurantists
    (as with schizophrenics) he'll tend to unintelligibility himself.
    He isn't, of course, excused thereby.

    Scottie B.

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