Re: Yes, by St. Jerome, but there is, Horatio, and much offence, too!

From: Scottie Bowman <>
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 05:09:47 EST

    I'm grateful to see Cec refusing to jump on the vilification train.
    I never thought she would, of course, since she has herself
    been exposed to the Real Presence & recognised at once,
    as did those earlier visitors to Berchtesgaden, that old Adolf
    who was such a dote with his alsatians couldn't possibly be
    the sort of rotten bully he was being painted.

    At the same time, Cecilia. '... it matters, especially if said
    chumminess is not understood and acknowledged by all
    parties ....' ???

    Whew! Do you reelly, reelly mean that? You truly want
    the avoidance of hurt feelings to become the paramount
    consideration in your society? The question is: whose hurt feelings?
    Will you include the less fashionable minorities? Your millionaire
    philanthropists? What about the communists who toiled, perhaps
    mistakenly but sincerely, through a lifetime for the brotherhood
    of men? Or the flat earthers? Are you going to include ME -
    who saw his kin (women & children) blown apart in Omagh -
    by banning New York's Finest from taking part in a triumphalist
    Paddy's Day procession? (Don't bother.)

    It reminds me of the old anti-Nazi joke. 'They proposed the niggers
    & I cheered, they proposed the Wops & I cheered, they proposed
    the Dagos & I cheered, they proposed the crazies & I cheered,
    they proposed the legless & I cheered, they proposed the homeless
    & I cheered, they proposed the illiterates & I cheered, they proposed
    the obese & I cheered, they proposed the pulchritudinously
    underprivileged & I cheered, they proposed .... but by then I had
    no voice left.'

    'Liberals' used to be dangerous blokes who placed freedom -
    however awkward - at the head of the list. Nowadays, in the States
    at least, those high minded chaps who have requisitioned the title
    (among them, Will's 'American educators') seem to constitute a kind
    of tender-hearted thought police enforcing a uniformity of attitude
    ever as strict as any Victorian moralist. And much stricter than in
    previous empires: Roman, Constantinople, even the short lived Brit one.
    Almost as strict, in fact, as in the even shorter lived Russian.

    Scottie B.

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