Re: The Gunslinger

From: ANELLO Michael J <>
Date: Mon Dec 08 2003 - 12:03:16 EST

Anybody else real glad King finished his Dark Tower/Gunslinger series? I've
only read the first 4 books (of 7) and really enjoy the story. I'm hoping
these last three books, done post-Van Slam, haven't been lucas'd. But, just
like in regards to Brian Wilson's Smile coming in February...I'm probably
going to be happy with whatever comes out. It's just easier that way.

Also, I like fruitcakes. So, if anybody gets one this christmas and doesn't
want it? Just let me know. I don't know why. I sit in the movie theatre
with 3 Lb bags of citrons. Love'em.

Funny story, well, if you're me...I made up a joke on Thanksgiving, usually
these are only funny to me, but this one I thought maybe everyone would laugh
at. So I told everybody I could find who'd listen...and I got a chuckle here
and there.

"What happens if you don't cook your John Travolta all the way through?"

"You run the risk of getting Barberella." was funny to me until my aunt told me it was Barbarino. It got
twisted in my memory for the sake of funny. Or, for the sake of something.

Merry Christmas to all!
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