RE: Gift and book suggestions?

From: Raley, Amber <>
Date: Sun Dec 14 2003 - 16:09:59 EST

At around that age I was entranced by Susan Cooper's 'The Dark is Rising' series of five books. If they like the Harry Potter type stuff then this one would be top on thier list (even if they don't know it). Let me know if you want any more detail on the books.
P.S. I am looking at Portland State University for graduate school and will likely be visiting Oregan in late January. If there are any fellow fish in the area, I would love to meet you for your beverage of choice (mine being tea).

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Tim O'Connor []
        Sent: Sun 12/14/2003 2:34 PM
        To: bananafish
        Subject: Re: Gift and book suggestions?

        On Sun, Dec 14, 2003, said:
>OK, I have two nieces, ages 10 and 8. It's Christmas shopping time. Two
>What would be cool for these kids to get that would be unexpected (since
>their grandparents are already going to give them all the stuff they want
>or ask
>for)? Something they'd really like but wouldn't think of asking for,
>And does anyone have any books to recommend for them?
>Just thought I'd throw these questions out there while I'm hanging around.
        WHO NEEDS DONUTS? by Mark Alan Stamaty -- just re-released after too
        many years out of print. A delight for a reader of any age, I would say.
        Small but exquisite.
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Received on Sun Dec 14 16:06:06 2003

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