Re: A Sensibility of Worth

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 13:18:49 EST

Eh...maybe I am haggling. I don't see myself as not respecting "the
multiplicity of possible moments with possible texts and the
heterogeneity of historical and personal experiences within acts of
reading," though. What I see myself as advocating is more consciousness
of these moments, whatever they are.

I see us as being better readers when we're aware of what we're looking
for and why we're looking where we are looking. Sometimes we don't want
to think about our reading, so we pick up Harry Potter or a romance or a
western or whatever we like. Even that is motivated reading, though. We
know what we're looking for, even if we don't want to go through the
trouble of articulating it.

Jim wrote:

> And still I have not seen anyone offer a compelling reason why we are
> bound to decide; why we can't choose to respect the multiplicity of
> possible moments with possible texts and the heterogeneity of
> historical and personal experiences within acts of reading.
> --John

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