Re: Question about reading Nietzche and philology

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 13:22:57 EST

Right about what, though? I don't read him as saying that language
doesn't work, just that language about metaphysics and ethics and all
the other biggies were originally metaphors for which we've lost the
referent. He probably believes language about things works perfectly
fine, and language about the history of language...of course :).

He may be, ultimately, in a self defeating position, but people have
done different things with that.


Yocum Daniel R Civ 21 CES/CEOE wrote:

>Jim, if Nietzsche was right then how could he ever know it?
>A former student of mine asked me to help him understand a quotation by
>Nietzche. The quotation itself is at the end of my response to him,
>which is copied and pasted below. Since there are several people here
>that could probably offer some insight, I'd appreciate any responses.

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