Re: A Sensibility of Worth

From: <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 15:36:34 EST

Two and half hours later and I'm half done the Christmas shopping -- Not bad.
 The part where I already have a list is always faster, though, and now I
face a day, Wednesday perhaps, where I have venture out with three names and no

Ah, and Daniel seems to be asking me something about "criteria."

My criteria for what, I'm not exactly sure. But I suspect the answer to his
question, whatever it is, is likely to be that my criteria are mine and that
they do indeed change from text to text, from reading to reading, from viewing
to viewing, from listening to listening, from relationship to relationship, and
I see no compelling reason either to codify or systematize them for anyone.

Again, for me this a resistance to being bound, bound to determine within
categories, bound to decide in terms of "more" and "less," bound to measurement.

The bricoleur makes do in new ways each time, within each act of reading, and
each tool can be used for many purposes. (Insert appropriate Freudian joke

I have no way of knowing whether this answers Daniel's question(s), since I'm
not sure what they were. But I thought I'd give it a shot.

The crowds out there are losing their politeness, by the way. By the
weekend, it could be ugly. I've decided to be finished by Wednesday.

Have a happy afternoon,


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