Re: In search of User Perspectives on Catcher in the Rye
Tue, 01 Dec 1998 19:15:10 -0600

>not meaning to start an argument. i thought matt apologised for his

i apologized for the insulting tone of my post, not the attack on cliff's
notes (which are nothing like an annotated edition).  i stand by my righteous
indignation at the inundation of the little "how to be a better idiot" guides.
cliff's notes don't seek to elucidate a text, or prod a student to read when
they might stop.  cliff's notes try to give a quick summary of plot with a few
quick answers to common high school test questions about themes and imagery
and allegory.  they stifle rather than encourage reading.--matt

>(also, i'm well aware that this fully contradicts anything i may have said
>about the use of green day and other musicians in english classes. whoever
>said opinions were constant? :))

p.s. Do I contradict myself?
     Very well then I contradict myself,
     (I am large, I contain multitudes.)
                                         Uncle Walt