Re: List of books

Wes Temby (
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 12:45:16 -0700

>> "Autobiography of Malcolm X" - Malcolm X & Alex Haley
> Let's start a Malcolm X discussion.  A friend of mine told me he couldn't
> get through it because of all the racist remarks towards whites.  I
> couldn't get through it because I found it to be boring and not very well
> written (but in all fairness I only read the first 60 pages or so, so I
> won't back-up my impressions).  Another friend of mine liked it a whole
> lot, which is why so many of us started it...

I've read it, this year in fact. I liked it despite the rascist comments.
It's an amazing story of one man's life changed by his beliefs and the
trials he suffers through (sounds like I'm a publisher hyping it, doesn't
it?). A great read in my opinion.
