Re: List of books (poetry)
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:25:02 -0500 (EST)

I feel I must throw in my two (or is it one?) cents, since I'll be leaving 
the labourious list soon.  10 Poets I'd recommend (in a particular order), 
for no other reason than I (as a poet) like them.  Here goes nothing:

10.  X.J. Kennedy.  What I've read of his is very interesting; try "Nude 
Descending a Staircase".

9.  Paul Westerberg.  Not really a poet, but a damn fine musician and writer 
of songs;  also look under The Replacements.

8.  Jack Kerouac.  Not known as much for his poetry as his prose work, but 
still a good poet;  try Mexico City Blues.

7.  William Shakespeare.  For obvious reasons.

6.  Emily Dickinson.  Very underated.

5.  Leonard Cohen.  Actually, a very good poet and musician.

4.  Allen Ginsberg.  No list is complete without him;  try "Howl" on for size.

3.  Robert Frost and W.B. Yeats.  I put them together because, well, a list 
of 11 sounds stupid.  But in all seriousness, both brilliant poets.  

2.  Gregory Corso.  The forgotten Beat.  He's gotta be one of my favorites, 
even though outside of poetry circles, he's received little attention.  Try 
"Bomb", "The Vestal Lady On Brattle", and my favorite, "Marriage".


1.  Dylan Thomas.  The greatest modern poet, maybe the best ever, and boy 
what a Welsh drinker.  Probably the best performer of poetry on my list; he's 
definetly my favorite, nobody can touch him.  Yet, sadly, like Corso, gains 
little recognition outside of poetry cliches.  Try "Do Not Go Gentle Into 
That Good Night", "I See the Boys of Summer", "We Lying By Seasand", and "And 
Death Shall Have No Dominion".
  Take no head in my words, I'm just a stupid Irish kid, but maybe I do know 
something.  Anyways, I hope I can open somebody's eyes to a new poet,  
otherwise my life means little.  So, as the Spanish say:

                         Adios, via con dios;