Re: Private Ryan, The Thin Line and back to Ignatius J. Reilly

John Page (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:01:56 -0600

>Saving Private Ryan was a typical Spielberg-movie, and the best thing with
>it was that you could leave 10 minutes into it, after the first and only
>really good scene (it was absolutely fantastic, got to admit that), and get
>a new shot at another film; at least according to the Sony theater policy.
>The Thin Red Line, on the other hand, was a masterpiece. Esthetically it
>two+ hours of bliss, and the story told was something completely different
>from the boring ethics of SPR (not to mention the hugging of tombstones or
>whatever it was in the beginning/end). It was melancholic, contemplative;
>took us to the jungle in every sense and let us make our own sense (or lack
>of) of it. It was a story about man, and the super-slow pace was perfect
>letting our own minds work on a thought for a while without missing
>vital, because the journey was as much in ourselves as on the screen.

Agree totally and completely.  I thought I was the only one.  -jared