Re: Salinger & Burns (NOT George!)actually not, but Gatsby

Tim O'Connor (
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 15:35:23 -0500

On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 12:53:10PM -0600, Baader, Cecilia wrote:

> I thank God that there ever was a Scott Fitzgerald.

Hemingway's words, in A Moveable Feast, are lovely on this:

His talent was as natural as the pattern
that was made by the dust on a butterfly's
wings. At one time he understood it no 
more than the butterfly did and he did
not know when it was bruised or marred.
Later he became conscious of his damaged
wings and of their construction and he
learned to think and could not fly any
more because the love of flight was 
gone and he could only remember when it
had been effortless.

> ObSal:  Interesting how Buddy states that _The Great Gatsby_ was his _Huck
> Finn_.  The unreliable narrator tells you at the very beginning just how
> unreliable he is with that little clue.

Good catch!
