Not really a gift...
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 10:32:01 -0500 (EST)

...but at least a post-card.

My best wishes for the season to all the B-Fishers out there who gave me a 
moment here and there of coolness among the hot-coal walk of life.

Here's an e-card voice from our past on the problem of giving and receiving 
gifts --not to start any wars but just to say "thanks."

"There is no more gift as soon as the other *receives* -- and even if she 
refuses the gift that she has perceived or recognized as gift.   As soon as 
she keeps for the gift the signification of gift, she loses it, there is no 
more *gift.*  Consequently, if there is no gift, there is no gift, but if 
there is gift held or beheld *as* gift by the other, once again there is no 
gift; in any case the gift does not *exist* and does not *present* itself.  
If it presents itself, it no longer presents itself."

--J. Derrida, *Given Time*


-- John