Teaching Salinger

Fri, 31 Dec 1999 09:36:42 -0500 (EST)

Happy New Year's to you too, Tim, and to the rest of the list.  

To the guy from Berkeley getting ready to teach Salinger for the first time...

there's a couple people on here who could answer your question with some 
background in doing just that.  They outta speak up :)

But if I were going to teach a Salinger class, I'd teach everything he has 
published in book form, and do it in chronological order.  I may violate this 
by saving Catcher for the last book -- and cover it in two weeks.  People who 
take a Salinger class- 90% of them, probably - will be most interested in 
Catcher.  That's the way it was with my online Salinger reading group, 
anyway.  It'd be really interesting to see people reconcile the Seymour of 
Bananafish to the Seymour of the later stories.   And since four little slim 
books isn't really all that much to cover in a semester...well, maybe I'd 
throw in some criticism on alternate weeks to cover the reading.  And make 
everyone keep a journal and then MAKE THEM SUBSCRIBE TO THIS LIST :)

