Re: Oh, I'm sorry...did somebody mention Seymour's suicide?

Subject: Re: Oh, I'm sorry...did somebody mention Seymour's suicide?
From: jason varsoke (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 13:54:04 EST

> Matt,
> I very much like your post. The tweezers/ambiguity nicely stated. Agree
> with the intrepretation of selfish/nonselfish. And appreciate your linking
> of the little girls. Teddy I find to be a precursor of a Yuppie-child.
> What I didn't understand, or was puzzled by, in the original JDS quote, was
> the part that dwelt with Buddy not being able to "touch on the details of
> the suicide". We supposedly _already_ know the details of the suicide from
> APDFB. Is there an inference that the details as presented in APDFB are
> off, in part due to that German typewriter? Or the details are the same,
> but Buddy needs to "massage" them to fit the 1955-on "Seymour" as opposed to
> the '48 see more glass?
> --Bruce

   I think, somewhere in S:AI, Buddy admits that he wrote APDFB and that
the rest of the family thought it had more to do with him than Seymour.
It's a fictional account; the quote refers to the 'truth'.


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