RE: European Bananafest 2000

Subject: RE: European Bananafest 2000
From: Baader, Cecilia (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 11:37:18 EST

Matt Kozusko wrote:
> Not until March. I am going on another one of my famous extended
> research perigrinations to England and Ireland...

March? That's a dirty rotten shame, Matt K. It's looking like I'm going to
be in Ireland in late July/early August.

I would have enjoyed running around town looking for the only man in cowboy
boots. I'd have gone from pub to pub, searching among the dirty, tiny
Dubliners for the American with oversized feet. I was also going to keep an
eye out for a distinguished sort with a penchant for airplanes and

One can only dream.


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