the royal path (or, how to win friendsss and achieve nirvana)

Subject: the royal path (or, how to win friendsss and achieve nirvana)
From: Jive Monkey (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 01:56:31 GMT


I read your original post on the royal path, and I really like it and
believe it may be the best interpretation of the Glass stories ever. I
don't agree that it's all about Buddy, though; as you said it's about
Buddy's search for Seymour, and, thence, Seymour, in the same way in which a
story about a man's search for Jesus would be a story about Jesus, not just
that man. However I do agree with your view of Seymour as flawed, but even
if that did lower Seymour's status as the ultimate protagonist, I believe it
would only place Buddy and he on the same plane.

Seymour seducing Muriel: I said the quick answer was "no" based solely on
the fact that at that point (prior to their marriage), Seymour had not yet
tried anything. I thought it unfair of Muriel's mother to assume whatever
it was she had assumed because of that. But, yes, most girls would have
given up on him as a lover, or potential lover, for this transgression (for
some reason I can't help but insert here something a friend of mine, a girl,
said recently about religious girls with wrought iron chastity belts: "I
dont' know where they get off thinking they can go out on dates and get all
the attention that a boyfriend gives and not put out." A lot of people would
find it chauvinistic if I or another guy had said that, but the fact is the
same goes for guys who don't put the moves on their lady). I'm just saying,
that at that point, one could simply assume he was being a gentleman (not
too many of those left, are there? I lost my status some time ago). Of
course she was right about him, but I'm not sure where she got off saying so
much crap about him. I cheered for Buddy when he told off the matron of
honor due to this.

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