Re: address to the troops

From: Cecilia Baader <>
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 05:02:28 EST

--- Scottie Bowman <> wrote:
> Come along, chaps. Mustn't panic. Sets a bad example.

All I have to say is that all of this addressing leaves out all of us
girls. Or at least: me.

Now, Herr Bowman, I must admonish you: if you are going to call the rest
of them to arms, at least, call the one who doesn't matter, the one who is
running around Brooklyn half-inebriated, caring nothing at all for those
who want to lay meaning on all of this, the one who ... but perhaps I
shouldn't tell you all the truth-finding I've been rooting out these past
few months. All I can say is you can't put one over on me.

Or maybe anyone other than a bananafish can.

I'm awfully trusting when it comes to you people. I might even let a one
or two of you crash upon my couch every once again.

I feel sure I'm going to regret this mention upon the morn.

But please, please, please, be certain to give me my stop-watched credit
where it is due, dearest.


Cecilia Baader
Professor of the Lower East Side
University of Bleeker Street
Advanced Something of something
(I'd think of a title if only it weren't five in the morning)

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Received on Fri Feb 21 05:02:30 2003

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