Re: BANANAFISH digest 232

Eryk Charles Arthur Salvaggio (
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 16:33:40 -0500 (EST)

Radiohead Lyric:

"Don't get sentimental/ It always ends up drivel/ One day, i am gonna 
grow wings/ a chemical reaction/ Hysterical and useless."

Nice to know what OBSalinger means after all this time. 

I have just finished the Book "O, Pioneers" by Willa Cather and I think 
its brilliant for its time. One of the best passages which reminded me, 
though many might not be able to see why, was this line, while Marie and 
Emil were hunting ducks, Marie for the first time. (Mid-twenties, too.)

"I hate to see them when they're first shot. They were having such a good 
time, and we've gone and spoiled it all for them."

I liked that a lot.


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