Re: pessimist

Malcolm Lawrence (
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 14:43:24 -0800 wrote:

> Lord, Malcolm, I've haven't read such self righteous bigotry in a long
> time....and I'm very sorry to see it coming from you.
> I guess I could mention people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa,
> Charles Finney, William Wilberforce, and on and on, all who fought bigotry,
> poverty, and slavery specifically Because they were Christians.

Specifically? But Christ's point was "don't worship me, you don't need me, you
only need each other" and unfortunately that is the perspective I was sharing
which you obviously missed. It is the concept of worshipping one person above
others which completely destroys spirituality. Love is a concept, not a celebrity.
You don't need to be a Christian to serve Christ. Get it? And if you have to be a
Christian to serve Christ, then you don't get it.

> You can talk about
> turning the other cheek all you want, Malc, but the hatred oozing from the
> quoted part of your post usually comes from hurts received that have not been
> forgiven.  So long as there are Joys around who can work the miracles she did,
> that I saw, I don't think you have the right to go around blasting Christians.
> Why don't you drop in a church, spend a few months there, and get to know a
> few?  You may wind up with some impressions somewhat different from those you
> have now.  I've been around churches for 15 years, and have seen a lot of
> crap, but I've seen a whole lot more love, compassion, and understanding there
> than anywhere else.

Your assumptions are unwarranted, Jim. I've met as many saints as sinners in
churches, just like I've met as many saints and sinners who refuse to go to
church. No big whoop. Me? I prefer to worship in the middle of the woods. Whatever
gets you to that astral plain.

> But, if you want to know the truth, your comments are exactly the type of
> bigotry I expect from buddhists.

Careful. If you say I'm the kettle then that must mean that you're the pot. And if
you reread my post you'll note that I, uh, never called myself a Buddhist, or any
other kind of -ist for that matter. :)

> Hate to say it, they're the worst, from my
> experience on AOL.  Hindus are next in line as being the biggest bigots, and
> the fairest and kindest people I've met online are Jewish rabbis.  Never heard a
> word of hatred from a single one of them, and as much as I hate to say it, they
> would have the most
> reason to hate....

Well they've never tried to take over the world. Divide and conquer isn't their je
nais se quoi.