Re: franny pregnant (again)
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 15:55:15 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 98-02-16 10:17:45 EST, you write:
<<i have always thought that lane wasn't there as a foil to franny. if you
 think about it, he does love her, and he obviously cares about her, he's
 just, well, he's a boy really, and we all know that boys don't deal with
 hysterical women particularly well. especially ones who cry. >>

I just started rereading F and Z because, among other things, I wanted to find
something Franny in particular said about knowledge and other subjects.

So I'm first confronted with Lane.  Yes, he's a boy.  He's a pretentious
college boy, among other things, classed with those who pontificate upon world
"highly controversial issues" as if they alone finally saw the real solution
to the problem.  This is particularly male, and particularly college aged
male.  It comes with having had one or two classes in a subject--just enough
to make you think you know something, but not enough to let you see how much
you don't.  This isn't a terrible fault, just one to be outgrown.

But Lane is also a bit intriguing because he seemed to genuinely appreciate
Rilke, who happened to be Seymour's favorite poet during at least one point of
his life.  If I were to nail Lane down to One Particular Flaw, it's that he's
so much into his head and his ideas, and the pretentions that go along with
this type of intellectual, that he's uncomfortable with his emotions and the
emotions of others.  This would be revealed in part by his inability to deal
with a hysterical Franny, but extends to his inability to face honestly, and
express honestly, his own feelings.  Yes, he obviously loves Franny.  He read
her letter several times.  He carried it with him wherever he went.  But when
she asked him if he got it, he acted like he didn't know what she was talking
about.  He also "deliberately," according to the narrative, attempted to empty
his face of all expression indicating his joy in seeing Franny.

If this isn't enough, the first thing we Really know about Lane directly is
through Franny's letter.  He's hopelessly super male and reticent.  She's used
to him analyzing her, picking at her spelling, etc, etc.  She complains that
he doesn't express his feelings to her enough in a letter he cherishes because
she gushes over him.

DANG this all sounds familiar :)

Anyway, saying Lane is a foil is not quite enough.          
 <<i'm of the belief that if franny didn't see *some* good in him, she
 wouldn't be going out with him. she likes him, but, as in all
 relationships, there are things about him that she despises. i think
 we've just caught them at a time when lane is at a loss for how to
 handle the situation, and comes accross particulary poorly.
 i don't think that franny is the kind of girl that goes out with people
 just to have a boyfriend. i give her more credit than that. she's with
 him for a *reason*... i don't think she hates him entirely, just certain
 :helena >>

yeah, and I'm beginning to sort out those traits :)
