Re: Words, words, words

Subject: Re: Words, words, words
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 13:53:16 EST

In a message dated 1/25/00 1:45:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< If we youngsters always thought that way, and
 never dared to post for fear of being crushed by the Jims of this world
 (sorry, Jim, but somehow your name sprang to mind!) we would never
 develop the independent thought and learning we admmire in our elders.
 Robbie has proved that "shaking up the oldies" can be intelligent
 debate, even if hampered by lack of time in which to learn everything
 we might wish we knew.
 Love, Lucy-Ruth >>

Don't worry, I thought of myself first in your original post :)

I don't know if you get "Friends" over there, but there was a recent repeat
in which Ross and Phoebe were arguing about Evolution. Ross, of course, was
absolutely convinced and took it upon himself to convince Phoebe. Phoebe
wasn't really one way or the other, but took it upon herself to shake up
Ross's faith.

What's interesting to me is that theism wasn't even considered an option, but
rather that Evolution was something seen as being too uncritically accepted
and that we're a bit too smug, self-righteous, and uncritical about it all.

The "oldies" and the power structure of this society line up with evolution
and scientific materialism. If anything needs to be shaken up, it's our
faith in that. What's really sad is that the people with the keys to educate
our youth so that they could think for themselves in the matter aren't
willing to open these doors...

Suckers :) You're all a bunch of Sheep :) Baad, baad. . .


Read Hume. Then read Kant. Then read him again. Then maybe actually read a
bit of theology for yourself instead of thinking you already know what it's
going to say. And I mean the real stuff. Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Barth. .
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