Re: List Focus

Subject: Re: List Focus
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 08:45:54 EST

In a message dated 1/23/00 5:03:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I thought the Rovira-Dougal bout was beginning to rival
> the Louis-Schmelling fight & am truly disappointed to see
> it cut short.
> (You must remember, incidentally, that Tim works in
> one of the back wards where they house the chronic
> psychotics. Like everyone working in that environment
> he's never really happy unless carrying a big 100ml syringe
> filled with chlorpromazine. Most of my patients, on the
> other hand, are over-controlled, tight-assed obsessionals
> who need to be reassured that getting angry will not
> precipitate the end of the world.)
> Scottie B.

Well thanks, Scottie. What clinched it for me is what is happening on the
other listserve. I'm getting along fine with everyone there. But there are
two guys -- a theist Philosophy professor and one of the Egoists (a very
intelligent, well spoken atheist who has the wonderful quality of
understanding almost everything you write to him) -- whose posts are usually
nothing more than an exchange of insults and are very low on the content
side. I read them all and they really started getting tedious to read. I
can't stand the thought of continuing to inflict that on this group, and
since I'm more interested in ideas than in argument I wouldn't be getting
much out of it myself anyhow.

But, lemme tell ya, I REALLY appreciate your comments about tight-assed
obsessionals... :)

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