O God!

Subject: O God!
From: Sundeep Dougal (holden@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in)
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 11:20:00 EST

I am just led to wonder whether I am the only one lacking the admirable
qualities of patience and civility displayed by Robbie in the face of
illogical, aggravatingly patronizing replies peppered with laughably silly,
ad nauseamly regurgitated, pedantic, bald assertions, never backed by a
consistent argument, only by indignation and high dudgeon, that seem to go
on and on and on and on?

I am fascinated if only to see how long Robbie would hold out or how he
would now try to rephrase his elegant use of the sheer simplicity of the
Occam's Razor.

My faith and belief in the liberal values of our list-owner tells me that he
would probably raise more than an eye-brow at this outburst of mine,
reprimand me most severely and point me to the Blocked Sender Feature and
the delete key. May God grant me the same tolerant and benign attitude and
forbearance to accept things I cannot change.

I also hope to hell that Goebbles wasn't right.

who, for those who wonder, lives in New Delhi, India

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