Re: Kurt Cobain

Subject: Re: Kurt Cobain
From: rev. bob pigeon (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 19:21:39 EST

>OH, that reminds me, did anyone ever read the biography of
>Kerouac by Ann Charters? It's got a neato chart in the back that tells you
>who all the people in Jack's books represented in real life (Ginsberg =
>Carlo Marx [on the road] Burroughs = Old Bull Lee [on the road]).

The Viking Portable Beat Reader does the same thing in selections not only
by Kerouac, but by Holmes, Burroughs, etc. And if I'm not mistaken, Ann
Charters edited the Beat Reader, no?

By the way, is it possible to get a copy of "The Hotel Wentley Poems"
without tossing out a large pile of money?

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