age...gender......and preferance of jello..

Subject: age...gender......and preferance of jello..
Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 20:19:32 EST

i thought that here, if anywhere, people would be understanding of age
differences and not worry about them. i thought here people would try to
relate ideas without dealing with such trivial details. well, i guess i was
wrong. since being here almost a year (although i have only recently spoken
up) i have seen many torn for their beliefs, shortcomings, and such. i
guess its just human nature, in some ways, for us humans to act as superior
creatures......who knows? but this whole nirvana thing..maybe some of the
older crowd does not own a nirvana cd...hey, i dont..and im 16. but, the
general point is still the same. i'm sure each of us can name at least one
more person whose life (or death) parallels kurt's in a way.....

i still love you all..dont get me wrong..and some of the posts tearing up
others remarks can be quite entertaining to read...but condescending
attitudes get us nowhere...and neither do misconceptions about age and
stupidity and such..that always irks me...

wishing you all a great day *if its going bad, have some always
have to smile...=)*

oh add some JDS material for those who aren't into the
not-so-on-subject posts, "do you like olives?" - J.D Salinger
*i know its a bit..but i felt like it...hehe*

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