Re: Kurt Cobain

Subject: Re: Kurt Cobain
Date: Mon Jan 03 2000 - 12:35:45 EST

> >has anyone here ever read his suicide note? he
> >was a very intelligent man, to say the least.
> He was pretty well-read I know, but I wouldn't consider his suicide note a
> work of genius (for lack of a better word, Sean...) :)
> At the time he wrote that note, wasn't he hopped up on heroin and maybe some
> other drugs? So I guess it's excusable...I'm sure if I was doing a lot of
> heroin and wrote my suicide note it wouldn't be that good, either.

I think that if you're gonna kill yourself you wouldn't be worrying about
whether your suicide note was 'good' or not...

Has anyone here read the book 'smell'. I think that's what it's called, i read
it in icelandic, i'm not totally sure about the english name. It's a really
good book, the song 'scentless apprentice' is totally based on it.


"Even in his youth he was nothing"

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