Re: entrance essays YUCK

Fluxis (
Thu, 01 Jan 1998 17:39:30 -0500 (EST)


It's not so much a complaint on having to write the essay as much as an issue
of College Professors who don't get anything. In my case, the issues that the
college wanted from me- what even has influenced my life, what are some strong
beliefs that I have...are impossible to answer to a complete stranger because,
quite honestly, to the typical american admissions board I would come across
as either insane, a Jesus Freak, or in need of severe counseling. I am not any
of these things.  

Of course, I understand that maybe I would get someone who could be
understanding of the ideas I had to express, but for the love of god, what if
they didn't? 

It makes sense to me that writing an essay about how you were in the same room
with a future president of the United States, despite whether I cared about it
or not,  would impress a college board much more than a detailed explanation
on why I can't stand to be in a room with more than three people in it because
people are better when they are alone, or that I burst into hysterical,
uncalled for laughter at the sight of inanimate objects in odd places. 

If you want to call me sniveling and unworthy of an education because of this
fact, I'd have to question your logic. The problem isn't that I had to write
it, the problem was that I couldn't write anything for months out of the
terrible gnawing at my stomach that these things that I told them were
"important to me" weren't and that I was being a phony bastard. 
