Re: entrance essays YUCK

EEver73319 (
Thu, 01 Jan 1998 19:12:25 -0500 (EST)

<<<If you want to call me sniveling and unworthy of an education because of
fact, I'd have to question your logic. The problem isn't that I had to write
it, the problem was that I couldn't write anything for months out of the
terrible gnawing at my stomach that these things that I told them were
"important to me" weren't and that I was being a phony bastard. >>>

Yes yes yes.  This is how I felt, although my case is probably one less severe
than ecas's.  Its hard for me to accept the fact that what college profs want
to read is not at all what I want to write, but I guess I'll have to.  I'm not
going to write something incredibly personal as a college entrance essay, even
though every fibre in me tells me to.  <sigh>  I'm trying to somewhere find a
happy medium in this, but its hard when my parents and everyone else frowns on
the parts of my essays that I love.  I do need to accept the fact that
sometimes I need to write to a prompt, in a certain way, even though I dread
doing so.  I think thats what Will was getting at.  


BTW, that "nice" essay I wrote in an hour was not some of my proudest writing,
but its done.  Its done.