Re: I'm still here

Sun, 18 Jan 1998 14:32:52 -0700 (MST)

"Little kid" knowledge as demonstrated in "Hapworth 16, l924" at least
includes correct spelling...additionally, the idea you are referring to is
more complex than one person knowing more than's a way of
seeing that makes me think of William Blake creating a lifetime of art to
really earn and understand the insights of youth instead of just brazenly
extolling them as I hear in the post below.

On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Fluxis wrote:

> I agree wholeheartedly...little kids definately know where its at more than
> any college proffessor I've ever had. For example, whens the last time a
> little kid explained that he didn't enjoy a story that was completely
> breathtaking and true and right, because the dialogue was weak? 
> -ecas